If you’re a woman in endurance sports, you know that the complex world of training is made even more intricate by your unique physiology. Periods, menopause, and all the hormonal fluctuations that come with these processes can be difficult to navigate — especially when you’re a competitive athlete. This list of articles has been curated to demystify common women-specific training topics so that you can feel empowered to train smarter, harder, and faster than ever before.
All About Periods, Menopause, and Hormones

Do female athletes need to modify their training around their monthly cycle?
-By Gale Bernhardt
For the female athlete seeking peak performance, understanding how the hormones of their monthly cycle affect performance is important.
-By Nicole Odell
Author and coach Katee Pedicini explains how hormones respond to training and how prevent imbalances.
-By Katee Pedicini
Female athletes often achieve stunning performances well through middle age. Here’s what you need to know to be one of them.
-By Carrie McCusker
Female athletes should be aware of what’s happening to their bodies as they age, and how hormone replacement therapy might help support long-term health and athletic performance.
-By Nicola Keay
Articles About Nutrition and Energy Deficiency

Should female athletes hydrate differently than their male counterparts? Sports scientist Abby Coleman breaks through the hype.
-By Abby Coleman
Female athletes are susceptible to the Female Athlete Triad, suffering adverse symptoms due to low energy availability. Here’s how to recognize the signs.
-By Carrie McCusker
Relative Energy Deficiency in sports, or RED-S, affects male and female athletes, and can be detrimental to health and performance.
-By Nicola Keay
More Training Topics

Strength training is a component of training that many female athletes neglect. Nicole Drummer gives the reasons to strength train along with some key exercises you can do at home.
-By Nicole Odell
The line between dedication and addiction can be a thin one, especially in endurance sports. Here’s what to look out for.
-By Nick Busca
Any athlete, male or female, can suffer from prolapse. Find out what factors can decrease your risk.
-By Menachem Brodie
Here are four tips for any female cyclist to increase their comfort on the bike.
-By Todd Carver
Here’s one female coach’s take on whether or not women need different training plans than their male counterparts.
-By Gale Bernhardt
Buying a new bike is a fun, but daunting task. For women, the process can be made harder when considering women’s specific models. Coach Nicole Drummer points out what women should look for when shopping for a women’s specific bike.
-By Nicole Odell