Endurance athletes across all sports and abilities have been using TrainingPeaks’s premium features to unlock their potential. We surveyed thousands of TrainingPeaks athletes to find out what features they can’t live without, and received countless stories highlighting the value of premium guidance, flexibility, and accountability tools found in the TrainingPeaks app.
More than 1,400 athletes responded to the survey, and 55% of respondents reported using TrainingPeaks for more than three years. Based on survey responses, here are TrainingPeaks athletes’ five favorite features that help them show up ready for race day:
1. Peak Performances and StackUp: See your progress and stay motivated.
2. Performance Management Chart and Analysis Tools: Dig deeper into your performance metrics.
3. Daily workout email: Never miss a workout.
4. Weekly Fitness Snapshot: See at a glance if you are hitting your targets and progressing.
5. Calendar Flexibility and Weather: Move your workouts to fit your schedule.
Peak Performances
With Peak Performances, each workout is a chance to push yourself to new limits. Peak Performances allow you to see when you set a new personal best for power, heart rate, or pace. Feel the satisfaction from pushing extra hard, celebrate when you reach new peaks, and stay motivated as you work toward your larger goals.
Peter, a runner, climber, and alpinist we surveyed, says that the structure and accountability of TrainingPeaks help him enjoy his training even more. “With TrainingPeaks, I finally started discovering the true limits of my potential, and I enjoy training more,” Peter said.
Peak Performances are available for running, cycling, and mountain biking. When you set a new Peak Performance, you’ll see a medal icon in your workout summary. You get peak performances for different time frames, including for the current year, the past 90 days, or all-time.
You can take your Peak Performances to the next level with Stackup, which allows you to compare your performances with other TrainingPeaks users. This newer feature puts your workouts into context, and can even be useful for setting training goals.
For example, a cyclist in the 90th percentile for one-minute power and the 50th percentile for 20-minute power might want to focus more on sustained efforts to balance out their training.
Stackup is available for cycling power and running pace, and it can be filtered by gender, age, and time. Look for it in your workout summary for completed activities. Each time you have a new Peak Performance, check StackUp to see how you’re progressing!

Performance Management Chart
The Performance Management Chart (PMC) helps you eliminate the guesswork from training so you can feel confident that you’re on the right track. With powerful metrics and visuals that show you the full picture of your season, you’ll always know when to go hard and when to take a rest.
“I am a stats guy, so TrainingPeaks motivates me to see my training through the numbers… those numbers that just keep getting better,” said runner and cyclist Kip.
Understand the PMC, and you’ll make progress while avoiding injury. You’ll wonder how you ever trained without it. Check out this article to get a better understanding of your PMC, and look for it in the charts tab in your TrainingPeaks app.

Daily Workout Email and Weekly Fitness Snapshot
You’re more likely to complete a workout if you see it on your calendar. To help even more, you’ll get daily workout email reminders to ensure your plan is at your fingertips. When your workout is done, the instant gratification of turning your workouts green will keep you coming back for more. Think of it as a second “runner’s high.”
Runner and triathlete Erin says, “I love knowing exactly what I need to accomplish each day, and turning that circle green!”
The Weekly Snapshot shows your week of training in one, information-packed screen. See your planned versus completed workouts by duration, distance, or TSS®. You can also review your compliance chart for the week for a visual representation of completed (green) or missed (red) workouts. At the bottom, you’ll see trends in your Fitness, Fatigue and Form to see the impact of your work.

Calendar Flexibility and Weather
Premium allows you the flexibility to move workouts on your Workout Calendar so you can adjust training to suit your busy schedule. Plus, with Premium, you (and your coach) can see local weather conditions while scheduling training. This saves you from switching between apps or tabs to find the best weather window. It also prevents you from missing workouts due to bad weather because it’s on your calendar.

TrainingPeaks Premium has helped thousands of athletes navigate and plan their training. Whether you are signing up for your first big event, training for health and general fitness, or are a professional athlete, these Premium features can help you reach your goals and enjoy training every day.